April 13, 2017
During the last week of March the Mobile Language Team took part in a service providers meeting in the town of Oodnadatta to give input on the way services are delivered within the township.
With roughly 20 service providers in attendance, ranging from the Department of Education to the Office of the Prime Minister, community members gave a range of feedback on the current services being provided and input on the ways things can be improved.
As the Dunjibar council make moves to increase the service engagement within the town exciting services such as Mai Wiru have expressed interest in providing food and employment opportunities within the town and a whole host of other providers are looking to engage with federal and state funding across the board to increase the capacity of Oodnadatta.
From a language perspective the Mobile Language Team is continuing to work with local community members in installing a language exhibit in the Oodnadatta Railway Museum, this exhibit will provide information on the languages of the region and create a space for further language work to be done into the future.
A key role of the Mobile Language Team is to work with communities around the state to help provide stability to not only language projects but also wider aspects of community and social development. This stability helps to ensure languages can continue to grow within families and communities and is a key part of the teams strategy for supporting languages.
If you would like to get in contact with the Mobile Language Team to discuss language development within your community, please call us on (08) 8313 0707, or send an email to