April 18, 2017
As part of the Mobile Language Teams work with the Barngarla Language we recently headed out to Pt Lincoln to discuss language resources and revitalisation with members of the Barngarla community located in and around the township.

As part of the trip the Mobile Language Team was lucky enough to take part in a family language learning class ran by Jenna Richards for members of her Barngarla family. The number of young Barngarla children who were speaking and engaging with the language was a great indicator of the passion and strength of the language in the region.

Emmaline and Jenna Richards are spearheading family language development within the town and are working around the clock developing language resources and working with the wider Pt Lincoln community to promote the Barngarla language and people.
Part of the wider Barngarla community of the region, the Richards are working tirelessly to encourage their kids and family members to speak Barngarla in everyday life, running family based workshops, developing flashcards and creating workbooks to lead the way in family based language learning.
Engaging with the businesses in the region and the Pt Lincoln council itself is a key part of the language revitalisation strategy being undertaken. The Richards are leading this charge in Pt Lincoln through building and developing positive and mutually beneficial relationships all throughout the town and surrounding areas.
To chat more about language resources available in your region feel free to contact the Mobile Language Team on (08) 8313 0707 or email us at