Over the past 9 years the Mobile Language Team has gathered a large number of vital source materials on SA Aboriginal languages.
An important part of our work has been to compile these materials, linguistically analyse them and to use them in the production of language learning materials. All of these materials have been securely archived at the MLT and are managed according to the best practice ethical protocols of Australian and international cultural institutions. Importantly, we respect the right of SA Aboriginal people to control their own cultural heritage materials and therefore we hold our collections on behalf of communities and stakeholders.
The MLT recognises the enormous cultural and historic significance these materials hold for Aboriginal communities, a key objective of the MLT is to make these materials available, as appropriate, to communities.
These materials provide the MLT and our partner communities with a base for the ongoing community activities and projects that we partner in.
As part of our continued commitment to community engagement and transparency, these material can be made available to communities and researchers where a number of conditions are satisfactorily met.
The approval process is undertaken by the Mobile Language Team Aboriginal Policy and Advocacy Committee with the help (as requested) of the Mobile Language Team management.
Community Access
If you are an Aboriginal community member seeking access to the materials held at the MLT, please get in contact with us to help arrange access info@mobilelanguageteam.com.au or (08) 8313 0707.
Researcher Access
If you are a researcher seeking access to this material you can complete a Research Material Request Form below. Before completing this form it is recommended you familiarise yourself with the Protocols of the MLT. The Research Material Request Form includes an information sheet and checklist to help you with this process.