May 15, 2018
The MLT has a new trainee, Ash Wild from Ceduna. As part of her training Ash Wild has chosen to develop a Wirangu language project that she can begin here and take away with her to complete in the months and years ahead.

Stemming from an interest in natural resources management, which she studies at university, Ash has begun a Wirangu place names project with the hope of developing a language resource for people living in and around the Ceduna area.
Finishing Year 12 at Immanuel College in 2016, Ash has made the solo move to Adelaide to continue her studies, and the MLT is excited to be able to provide a trainee position that is directly relevant to her language, family and her future career.

Creating employment and work opportunities for young people is a key goal of the MLT as we find new and exciting ways to work on language revitalisation and maintenance projects. Working with trainees is a great way to fulfil this goal as we push forward with a range of community led language programs.
Ash’s grandma played a huge role in the language documentation and resource production for the Wirangu language of the Far West Coast in the past, and the MLT has built a long lasting relationship that spreads across three generations of the family.