
Learning On Country with Arabana

For 5 years the MLT worked with the Arabana community to develop language learning resources and ensure Arabana peoples can learn their heritage language. With learning On Country as our central theme, the Arabana community and the MLT worked to conduct language workshops, develop online language learning resources and facilitate language clubs which has supported language growth within the community.


Yankunytjatjara Digitisation Project

In 2015 the Yankunytjatjara community began working with the MLT to repatriate, return and make accessible a wealth of Yankunytjatjara language and cultural materials that had been produced over the last 50 years. We worked with community elders, museums, archives and government agencies to digitise these materials and bring them back to communities on the APY Lands, making them accessible to all future generations.


10 Words 10 Days

Our Aboriginal Media and Language Trainee Program set about giving language and media training to a young Nukunu community member Anil Samy. Anil is studying media and filmmaking at UniSA and we teamed up with him to make a vlog series called ‘10 Words 10 Days’. Using his Nukunu language Anil produced 10 vlogs over 10 days as he learnt, and then in turn shared, his Nukunu language with others around Australia and the world.


Akurra Trail

The Akurra trail in Leigh Creek guides users through remote bushland and provides rich information about Adnyamathanha language and culture. This film highlights the significance of the trail to the Adnyamathanha community and the Leigh Creek Area School.