
Barngarla is located on the eastern side of Eyre Peninsula, north of the Nawu language.

It includes the country from Port Lincoln to the head of Spencer Gulf, including the township of Whyalla, and possibly beyond Port Augusta up to Lake Gairdner and Lake Torrens.

AIATSIS id : C.05


Arkaba-tura (men of Arkaba, a place in the northeast corner of their territory where they met Jadliaura people), Bahanga-la, Bahngala, Bangala, Ba:nggala, Banggala (valid alternative pronunciation), Banggarla (used by SIL), Ba:njgala, Barngarla (used by AIATSIS), Bungala, Bungeha (probably misreading of Bungela), Bungela, Kooapidna, Kooapudna (group around Franklin Harbour), Kortabina (place name), Pakarla, Pangkala, Pangkalla, Pankala, Pankalla, Pan-karla, Pankarla, Parkalla (typographical error), Parn-kal-la, Parnkala, Parnkalla, Parn-kal-la, Punkalla, Punkirla, Wanbirujurari (‘men of the seacoast’; said of the southern groups by those in the north), Willara, Willeuroo (basic meaning ‘west,’ or ‘westerner’).


The above map is based upon the Horton Indigenous Map of Australia © Aboriginal Studies Press, AIATSIS, and Auslig/Sinclair, Knight, Merz, 1996. The full map is available on the AIATSIS website. The locations of the languages of SA, as stated on the this website are not intended for Land Claim use, and are an approximate guide only. Individual language project locations are based on information from publicly available MILR (ILS) documents.