April 28, 2018
In April the MLT headed to the opening of the Mangiri Health and Wellbeing Centre at Navigator College in Port Lincoln, on Barngarla country. This centre is an all purpose gym and recreation centre that provides not only world class sporting facilities but also a space for the Port Lincoln community to gather together and take part in community activities.

Working with the Barngarla community, the name Mangiri was decided upon as being the most fitting and appropriate. Mangiri is a Barngarla word as recorded by Schurrmann in 1844 and is cited as meaning ‘well, healthy’.
Working closely with Aboriginal communities and traditional owners in naming buildings and new infrastructure is one of most important ways organisations can show respect to the history of the land they use.
Navigator College Principal Stephen Jude noted the positive steps and community outreach the school has made with the local Barngarla community in forming healthy relationships and in reconciliation and understanding amongst all of its students and greater school community.

Clayton Cruse said
‘a huge part of sharing in Aboriginal identity, culture and language is publicly, and proudly, using your language across the landscape of your homelands. The Mangiri building is an example of the proud Barngarla language and will serve as a constant reminder to the wider Port Lincoln Community about the Barngarla history, significance and ownership of these lands’.
If you’re looking for language services surrounding the linguistic landscape of your area, the MLT can help put you in contact with the traditional people and owners of that country. For more information call us on (08) 8313 08078 or email us at