July 10, 2020
This week the Mobile Language Team proudly launched new language learning materials for the Wangkangurru and Arabana communities.
Over the past six months Wangkangurru artists Aulpunda Jean Barr-Crombie and Anpanuwa Joyce Crombie (‘Two Sisters Talking’) have been hard at work to develop a set of beautifully illustrated language learning flashcards accompanied by the Wangkangurru names of animals and birds found in the remote Birdsville region. They hope these flashcards, along with two bilingual children’s books previously developed by ‘Two Sisters Talking’, will provide more opportunities for language learning in the home and in schools.

Meanwhile, MLT’s own language worker and resident artist Lakota Milera-Weetra has developed a set of 60 Arabana language flashcards featuring everyday phrases, as well as words for animals and body parts. The cards are complemented by Lakota’s stunning photography and digital design skill.

These resources will be distributed to selected schools and community groups free of charge.
Please contact us at info@mobilelanguageteam.com.au for further information.