July 19, 2022

In 2019 the Mobile Language Team worked with Leigh Creek Area School and Leigh Creek Progress Association to create the Akurra Trail, a multipurpose cycling/walking trail in Leigh Creek. Bilingual signs along the 10.5km trail emphasise the interconnectedness of language, culture, tradition and country, and invite people to learn about flora, fauna and Muda (History, Songline).

Last year the MLT returned to Leigh Creek with filmmaker Max Mackinnon to produce a film that captures the usage of the trail and the significance of the project to the Adnyamathanha community. The Akurra film highlights the importance of the trail as an educational resource that helps students to learn about language and culture on-country. Adnyamathanha Elders and Language Teachers also feature in the film discussing the significance of passing down language and culture to future generations and showcasing the school Adnyamathanha language program. A big thanks to everyone involved in making the film including Leigh Creek Area School, Leigh Creek Progress Association and filmmaker Max Mackinnon!

Check out the film below or click here to watch on Youtube!